Hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) Fact Check

is a psychoactive cannabinoid with an equivalent effect as THC. More information on the substance can be found here: More information on the substance may be found on Wikipedia
Legal situation in Austria
As of HHC and its derivates e.g.: HHC-P, HHC-O, etc. are subject to the New Psychotropic Substances Act (NPSG) . This means that production and commercial trade of HHC is prohibited. Possession and consumption are unpunished. However, HHC products can be confiscated by the authorities. (Ministry of Health, )
Legal situation in Germany
The possession and consumption of HHC products is not prohibited in Germany as of winter 2022/23. We assume that trading with HHC products for the purpose of consumption (eating, vaping, smoking) is most likely prohibited. The expected penalty is unclear. This depends on which and how many laws have been violated. Possible are: Food Safety and Consumer Protection Act (LMSVG), Narcotics Act (BtMG), New Psychoactive Substances Act (NpSG), Medicines Act (AMG) and, in the case of smoking products, the Tobacco Act and Non-Smokers Protection Act.
Legal situation in Europe
In Poland and Finland, HHC is already regulated by law (= trade prohibited). Belgium and Hungary have taken steps to ban HHC. It can be assumed that the entire EU area will soon adopt a uniform regulation.
Drug tests
In the usual drug tests, HHC can be detected in body fluids. Blood tests as part of the driving ability test identify HHC as a psychotropic substance. In drug tests from urine to prove abstinence, HHC is detected by most THC tests. More accurate detection times will be shown by studies in the next few years. Until then, we can assume a similar detection time as THC.
"Natural" HHC
There are only two publications during the last 20+ years describing a natural occurrence of traces of HHC in seeds and roots of cannabis plants. Toxicologists are currently discussing whether there may be laboratory errors in these publications and whether there is no natural HHC at all. (Hydrogenation of THC in an oxygen atmosphere?) The HHC contained in sales products is always synthetically produced.
During the production of HHC, numerous by-products are produced. Most HHC products sent to our laboratory so far contained unknown by-products or THC from production.
Health risks
There are currently no study data on the toxicity, neurotoxicity or carcinogenicity of HHC or its production by-products. We therefore do not know whether HHC products damages organs or nerves or can cause cancer.
Should someone come to harm through the consumption of an HHC product, the producer and/or seller can be held responsible as a competent person under § 88 StGB (Austrian Criminal Code, negligent physical injury).

We at the IFHA see our role as supporting companies in improving the quality, product and consumer safety of hemp and hemp products. We, therefore, recommend not to trade or to consume HHC products.

We offer a comprehensive analysis of HHC products.